Moreover, it is a waste of time and energy to apply strong pressures on a hit-or-miss basis if a tap on the psychological jugular will produce compliance. It deals only with interrogation following arrest and detention. Because no two interrogations are alike, the interrogation cannot realistically be planned from A to Z, in all its particulars, at the outset. Any ambiguous replies to such demands will be interpreted as acquiescence. Even children are very quick to feel this kind of pretense. The room in which the interrogation is to be conducted should be free of distractions. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Although this method can be employed by a single interrogator, it is better adapted to use by two or three. The interrogator should make a mental note of the topic that caused such a reaction. As is true of all craftsmen, some interrogators are more able than others; and some of their superiority may be innate. Manipulating these into irregularities, so that the subject becomes disorientated, is very likely to create feelings of fear and helplessness. Please look for them carefully. Time spent, after the interrogation ends, in fortifying the source's sense of acceptance in the interrogator's world may be only a fraction of the time required to bottle up his attempts to gain revenge. 4. But the assumption of hostility -- or at least the use of pressure tactics at the first encounter -- may make difficult subjects even out of those who would respond to recognition of individuality and an initial assumption of good will. The motivational strength of the individual is likely to exhaust itself in this internal encounter.... As long as the subject remains standing, he is attributing to his captor the power to do something worse to him, but there is actually no showdown of the ability of the interrogator to do so." In his view, he is dealing with the important topic, the why . Control of an interrogatee can rarely be established without control of his environment. Only subjects who have reached a point where they are under delusions are likely to make false confessions that they believe. Any planned operational use of such persons should take into account the fact that they have no sense of loyalty to a common cause and are likely to turn aggrievedly against superiors. The list seems almost endless - a professional manner, forcefulness, understanding and sympathy, breadth of general knowledge, area knowledge, "a practical knowledge of psychology", skill in the tricks of the trade, alertness, perseverance, integrity, discretion, patience, a high I.Q., extensive experience, flexibility, etc., etc. (7). 2 lines deleted] The preliminary handling of other types of interrogation sources is usually less difficult. (It is helpful if B can recognize A's signature, but not essential.) As the frequency of citation indicates, this book was one of the most useful works consulted; few KUBARK interrogators would fail to profit from reading it. Unheated, they were pitch black night and day, with music blaring around the clock. 31. Their function is to cause capitulation, to aid in the shift from resistance to cooperation. Almost all people have been conditioned to relate verbal skill to intelligence, education, social status, etc. Visit the … referred to KUBARK by another service for interrogation are usually sufficiently well-known to the transferring service so that a file has been opened. From the outset, he knows a great deal more about the source than the source knows about him. The last section, on do's and dont's, is a return to the broader view of the opening parts; as a check-list, it is placed last solely for convenience. The appendix contains some specific case summaries of physical torture by the secret police. His loyalties are likely to shift whenever he feels that the sponsor whom he has chosen has let him down. Orne and Meltzer. For example, the [approx. This principle is especially important if the interrogatee is following his normal life, going home each evening and appearing only once or twice a week for questioning, or if his bona fides remains in doubt. The result, normally, is a strengthening of the subject's tendencies toward compliance. The results of these experiments have little applicability to interrogation because the circumstances are dissimilar. He may "confess" to hostile clandestine activity, or other acts of interest to KUBARK, in which he was not involved. Little is known about the duration of confinement calculated to make a subject shift from anxiety, coupled with a desire for sensory stimuli and human companionship, to a passive, apathetic acceptance of isolation and an ultimate pleasure in this negative state. (7). Soon after, the U.S. Army issued the FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation manual, which was used until September 2006, when it was superseded by FM 2-22.3, Human Intelligence Collector Operations. The effectiveness of most of the non-coercive techniques depends upon their unsettling effect. "In the simple torture situation the contest is one between the individual and his tormentor (.... and he can frequently endure). The conditional response theory holds that the subject reacts to questions that strike sensitive areas, regardless of whether he is telling the truth or not. Neither subject stayed in the tank longer than three hours. If an interrogatee is caused to suffer pain rather late in the interrogation process and after other tactics have failed, he is almost certain to conclude that the interrogator is becoming desperate. Orderly-obstinate interrogatees often collect coins or other objects as a hobby; time spent in sharing their interests may thaw some of the ice. KUBARK's lack of executive powers is especially significant if the interrogation of a suspect agent or of any other subject who is expected to resist is under consideration. And like all other typologies, the system is plagued by overlap, so that some interrogatees will show characteristics of more than one group. According to a declassified 1989 report prepared for the Senate intelligence committee, the 1983 manual was developed from notes of a CIA interrogation course in Honduras.[11]. He is accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. [approx. (See also remarks in VIII B 4.). That world is replaced by the interrogation room, its two occupants, and the dynamic relationship between them. Then read it off to him. The failures of the interrogator, his painful retreats from blind alleys, bolster the confidence of the source and increase his ability to resist. During the harangue the friendly, quiet interrogator breaks in to say, "Wait a minute, Jim. Handwritten changes were also introduced haphazardly into the text. (A few of the following items are drawn from Sheehan.) The greedy and demanding character is subject to rather frequent depressions. The interrogator begins routine questioning of A, speaking rather softly and inducing A to follow suit. The labor of extracting the truth from unwilling interrogatees should be undertaken only if the same information is not more easily obtainable elsewhere or if operational considerations require self-incrimination. Wouldn't it be better for you if I set you both free together? As above, for confinement. The Alice in Wonderland technique can reinforce the effect. 18. He has no real attachments to others, although he may attach symbolic and private meanings or values to other people. His interest has shifted from the interrogatee himself, who jut a while ago was an interesting person, to the atsk of getting at what he knows. Various categorical schemes are outlined in treatises on interrogation. Any interrogatee has his ups and downs, times when he is tired or half-ill, times when his personal problems have left his nerves frayed. It provides a useful insight into the interaction between interrogator and interrogatee. Davis examines three theories regarding the polygraph. Agents, for example, are accustomed to being questioned repeatedly and professionally. Here again, he could be given a cigarette prepared to have a slight but noticeably bitter taste." He is told that the changed treatment is a reward for truthfulness and an evidence that friendly handling will continue as long as he cooperates. He recognizes that some of the denouncers may have been biased or malicious. Interrogations conducted under compulsion or duress are especially likely to involve illegality and to entail damaging consequences for KUBARK. Only when these have been established and understood does it become possible to plan realistically. Among these are the flat assertions that a person connot be hypnotized against his will; that while hypnotized he cannot be induced to divulge information that he wants urgently to conceal; and that he will not undertake, in trance or through post-hypnotic suggestion, actions to which he would normally have serious moral or ethical objections. A kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB) study is an X-ray study that allows your doctor to assess the organs of your urinary and gastrointestinal systems. ", The accused, finally, is pushed far enough along the path toward confession that it is easier for him to keep going than to turn back. A guard and a stenographer remain in the outer office with the interrogatee. (22). If operational use is now contemplated, conversion is imperative. help to establish in A's mind the impression that B is talking. The first is that hypnotism used as an operational tool by a practitioner who is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or M.D. If B persists in withholding, the interrogator should dismiss him promptly, saying that A's signed confession is sufficient for the purpose and that it does not matter whether B corroborates it or not. If KUBARK interrogates, the following preliminary steps are taken: a. Under such circumstances his natural desire to escape from stress by complying with the interrogator's wishes may become decisive if he is provided an acceptable rationalization for compliance. The interrogator in charge warns his colleague to desist. It does provide, however, some interesting insights into the attitudes of an interrogatee. With all of these reservations, then, and with the further observation that those who find these psychological-emotional categories pragmatically valuable should use them and those who do not should let them alone, the following nine types are described. Gill, Merton, Inc., and Margaret Brenman, Hypnosis and Related States: Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression , International Universities Press Inc., New York, 1959. Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton, "The Experimental Investigation of Interpersonal Influence"; and Dr. Malcolm L. Meltzer, "Countermanipulation through Malingering." Old dogs can learn new tricks but not new ways of learning them. 39. An interrogator quite at home in the language being used may nevertheless elect to use an interpreter if the interrogatee does not know the language to be used between the interrogator and interpreter and also does not know that the interrogator knows his own tongue. The handling and questioning of defectors are subject to the provisions of [one or two words deleted] Directive No. The end of an interrogation should be planned before questioning starts. Here, too, a flat rule is unrealistic. Survey of the Literature on Interrogation Techniques , KUSODA, 1 March 1957, Confidential. It is simply a method of obtaining correct and useful information. In the other major respects - intensity of anxiety and emotional need to affiliate - no significant differences between "firsts" and "onlies" were discovered. The long-range purpose of CI interrogation is to get from the source all the useful counterintelligence information that he has. If it is then established or strongly suspected that the agent belongs to one of the following categories, further investigation and, eventually, interrogation usually follow. He has stated the fact, there is nothing to qualify."(41). This article summarizes the physiological and psychological reactions of American prisoners to Communist detention and interrogation. In contrast to their earlier demeanor, they are now relaxed and smiling. Although experimentation in these areas is, of course, conducted in Communist countries, the study found no evidence that such methods are used in Communist interrogations -- or that they would be necessary. After the process had been continued long enough, the source was asked a question to which he did know the answer. At the first interview the questioner should be on the alert for phrases or concepts characteristic of intelligence or CP activity and should record such leads whether it is planned to follow them by interrogation on the spot [approx. Identifying a victim’s sense of self and then stripping it away is part of the first step toward breaking … As a general rule, it is difficult to succeed in the CI interrogation of a resistant source unless the interrogating service can control the subject and his environment for as long as proves necessary. [approx 3 lines deleted] (3). Some people cannot bring themselves to provide information that puts them in an unfavorable light until, through a lengthy prefatory rationalization, they feel that they have set the stage that the interrogator will now understand why they acted as they did. Sometimes the injustice was meted out impersonally, by fate, as a physical deformity, an extremely painful illness or operation in childhood, or the early loss of one parent or both. They often reach decisions very slowly. A seems to be pretty angry with you -- feels that you got him into this jam. The counterintelligejce suggests forcing the detainee to stand at attention for long periods of time. He expresses his disgust by spitting on the floor or holding his nose or any gross gesture. 4 lines deleted]. So, what does SEO stand for? It was much more difficult for me to -- well, I almost felt I had as much responsibility to talk to him and reason and justification as I have to talk to you right now. People who show these characteristics are actually unusually fearful. Merton M. Gill and Margaret Brenman state, "The psychoanalytic theory of hypnosis clearly implies, where it does not explicitly state, that hypnosis is a form of regression." The plan for the interrogation of a traveller differs from that for other types because the time available for questioning is often brief. Provocation agents are sometimes directed to "defect" in their target areas, and friends or relatives already in place may be hostile assets. believes that the world owes him a great deal. It is not claimed that what remains is comprehensive as well as selective, for the number of published works having some relevance even to the restricted subject is over a thousand. All non-Communist services are bothered at times by disgruntled exinterrogatees who press demands and threaten or take hostile action if the demands are not satisfied. He clings to this world to reinforce his identity and powers of resistance. The number of interrogators used for a single interrogation case varies from one man to a large team. (27) An interrogatee, in particular, is likely to see the interrogator as a parent or parent-symbol, an object of suspicion and resistance or of submissive acceptance. [11], The "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual -- 1983" gives the suggestion that interrogators show the prisoner letters from home to give the prisoner the impression that the prisoner's relatives are in danger or suffering. 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